Proaction Foundation implemented a Health-related activity in SAATHI Vridhashram (Old Age Home), New Delhi through distribution of Blankets and Fruits to the old destitute men and women.
Identification of Partner for the Project: Proaction Foundation identified SAATHI Old Age Home in New Delhi for this action. SAATHI is a charitable society run for the destitute, neglected, uncared and the poor who are old and have nobody to support or maintain them. It aims to provide all facilities to make their stay wanted, meaningful, joyous and in harmony with other residents as family members. The home has 30 rooms furnished with beds, rubber mattresses, bed covers, curtains etc. with proper ventilation and natural light. At the entrance of the home there is a small but beautiful lawn. Special attention is paid to create such an atmosphere where in the Senior Citizens from different strata of the Society feel ‘at home’ away from Home. The home is managed by a qualified professional and is supported by staff for efficient running. All efforts are being made to ensure that the residents live together as one single-family unit and endeavour to create and maintain utmost cordial atmosphere at the “HOME”. The home ensures the inmates that their last phase of life is as dignified as earlier.